"Prayer is when you talk to God. Meditation is when you listen for God. Music lets you do both."

[Side note: Yes, that --> is a picture of my flute. Photo taken with a friend partner during a photography class. ^^]
It had been a particularly stressful day, due to my Panel Audition for the piano. This is the top advanced category of MTAC's Certificate of Merit (CM), compared to the "regular" 10 levels.
Last year I miraculously passed for the first level, and this year, I aimed to pass the second "grade" (obviously). In all, I think there are four levels total, with the ever-shrinking number of students allowed to pass. In short, the possibility of passing is pretty slim.
However, God, in His great mercy, granted me favor from the judges, who gave me the thumbs up to proceed to the next level. This year, I was again faced with that same anxiety, needless to say, since the competition only gets harder as you get higher. Thank God again for giving me the favor of getting fairly "nice/friendly" judges, which really helps qualm my jittery nerves. I'm not sure if I passed or not, since the results won't come out until after a week or so...but the suspense!

We shall see.
The studious Asian musician who should be studying instead of writing this post,